Thursday, May 6, 2010

[Update] Damn you and you law, Murphy!

For those of you unfamiliar with Murphy's Law, it states:

"Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong."

Well, it has. Two weeks before graduation, my computer is fried. My AC adapter made a popping noise and subsequently, my computer died. I think it was a power surge or something. Motherboard might be fried. Work on Gaki has halted currently, until I can either get a cable to get all my stuff from my hard drive and/or get a new computer.

Still currently working on translating a full episode.

Just to stop baiting you with suspense, it's the baseball episode that someone requested earlier.

Hopefully, I'll get this resolved soon. >___<

Also: I just widened out the text area, so that they videos don't get cut off on the edges. (Yay for learning basic CSS!)
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