Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Happy 6 Month Anniversary!

On December 15, I started this blog in my dorm room, to give myself something to do and something to say that I bring to "the table", as far as the Interwebz goes. Over the past 6 months, lots of visitors have come to this site and made this little blog a home. *minor sentimental moment*

In celebration of having a 6-month anniversary without this place being shut down by the Feds -- *peeks out of curtains* -- I'd like to unveil a new segment around here! Like I wrote a while back, I'd like to put up some short videos from other Japanese comedies, with stress and emphasis being on "short". I think I'll try focusing on some of Downtown or Cocorico's other shows (Yamazaki doesn't have any other shows with the exception of the occasional pity appearance on Downtown's music and talk show "Downtown DX", probably due to his high concentration of FAIL per square inch) but my occasionally stray into the world of Japanese comedy at large and bring you some different acts.

Also, the usual updates: Done a lot of cleaning up on the Request Post, and mixed in some of the requests into the mix. Note that due to the long list of episodes that I really want to get to, your requests there may get pushed to the rear.

Also, I have added a new poll to the main page: "What's your favorite Recurring Series/Themes?" As you can see, it is MONSTER HUGE. You are allowed to select multiple answers for it, because otherwise I'm sure that there would be some that get no votes. I would say try to vote for 3-4? I guess. Whatever's clever. That poll closes at the end of July, so you've got a month and half. Unlike our first poll, I'm not planning some sort of special week for the winner. Also, I'm aware there's some series that I kinda left out. I just didn't want to add all of those things in there. o.o

Anyway, onwards, to the first-ever "BlackGaki Boredom Breaker"!

In our first installment of the "BlackGaki's Boredom Breaker" (BBB), we have some of Downtown's Gottsu Ee Kanji! In this short-- and yes, this is the whole skit -- piece, Kouji Higashino plays the part of the customer looking to buy a new pair of pants. The ever helpful sales clerk is played by You. No, not you! You! Seriously though, that's what she goes by, but it's usually in all-capitals, which we on the internet know means that you win at life, as "YOU". She's a singer, actress, and general entertainment jack-of-all-trades. You can do the wiki thing for more info here.

Before I start this though, I'd like to take a moment to say that I won't be subtitling the ever-popular 5 Ranger skit, as there's already subtitled videos out there. So with that said, hopefully I bring a little extra sunshine into your week! Enjoy!


  1. well then happy birthday :) and thanks for the YOU skit ;)

  2. OMG please more Genkai! You're amazing!

  3. Anonymous #1: Thanks.

    Anonymous #2: Check out the Request Post and Schedule. There's some more Genkai episodes on the list, but they are kinda buried under episodes that I really want to do.

  4. Hey - curious if you've seen/heard the Silent Library show on MTV. Just saw an episode for the first time today. MTV copied it exactly, only it's not as funny and the guys play for money.

  5. Anonymous:

    Isn't that the general formula for everything on MTV? "We'll just take __X__, put __Y__ in it, and it will be much less __Z__?"

    Let's see:

    The Hills: Reality TV, Hot near-Jailbait idiots, Real.

    Shot At Love with Tila Tequila: The Bachelor, An ugly bisexual, interesting.

    Making The Band: The process of entering show business, Eye-candy, Credible.

    TRL: The MTV which showed music videos, almost 80% of the airtime as commercials, socially relevant and watched.

    I think we're onto something.

  6. Well I just find it odd that MTV is able to copy the show like that. I know G4 has tried to get some license for showing Gaki episodes on its network (similar to the way they have permission to show Sasuke or Kinniku Banzuke). On some G4 forum one of its staff said they tried to get episodes of Gaki to air on G4 but either Gaki's producers or NTV won't allow it. Even TBS sued ABC for copying stunts on that show Wipeout. Hard to swallow that either Gaki or NTV would let some lame cable TV network in the US do this.

  7. True, but hell, it wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened. Ellen Degeneres copied the ever-popular "Human Tetris" idea on her talk show, and then they made an entire game show out of it called "Hole in the Wall".

    Also, they might have tricked them. They do have MTV Japan. They might have contacted NTV about it, and then did some sort of rights transfer to MTV America? I dunnno. I don't watch MTV, and knowing that they're just copying everything that gets views on YouTube gives me a good reason.

  8. I like this BBB idea, the video put a smile on my face. :)

  9. Thank you for your hard work. Subbing this videos have to spend a lot of time.
