Friday, January 29, 2010

[Update] After the dust settles...

Well, I've had a few days to think about it, and I realize that I've acted a little childish. Quitting is for quitters. While I would say that I might fall into the quitter category, I figure that some douchebag should ruin all our fun. So, I'd like to apologize for any worry I've caused (because honestly, if you're TRULY worried because one person on the internet as universally insignificant as me is angry, then you might have a little too much free time on your hands) and will not give up on subtitling episodes.

However, as much as I've cooled down since last week, some of the facts of my situation still haven't changed. So I there will be some small tweaks made on my part, and I have a few requests of you out there as well.

So, seeing as I'm still a college student, and will be putting forth my utmost attention in the following months to finishing my education, and trying to land a full-time job, I probably won't have much time for subtitling. My schedule will probably be sporadic, at best. However, most of you have come to expect that. *glances quickly at all the breaks between posts* I appreciate your patience with me as I might be too busy to keep this poor little blog all spiffy.

Secondly, as I really want to make headway into my personal spreadsheet which was the reason for me starting this whole blog, some episodes will be reviewed only. Even though it's Gaki No Tsukai and all, there are some episodes that will generally need no translation or are just a little too boring to translate entirely (like the fishing episodes). While most work recent things will probably be reviews as I still have little to no time, I'll do my best to keep the standout stuff translated, though.

Third, I have some requests for you, the fans. First... DON'T STEAL MY STUFF AND CLAIM IT AS YOUR OWN. Secondly, I ask that you don't take the captions for a while after I publish them. As I'm not a native Japanese speaker, generally type too fast for my own good, and don't proofread most captions before I put them up, initial postings more than likely will have errors in it. After a while, I usually go back and make changes to them, and sometimes I'll put that information in my "housekeeping" that usually occurs at the beginning of some posts, but sometimes not. So, for those of you who just rip the things, call it good and pass them around, you probably don't have the corrected versions. I'd say maybe, a month before you start copying? I dunno, that's kind of a long time, but remember I don't have much time to take second looks at things.

Fourth, don't take this shit so seriously. For those of you who think I'd really go up to Yamazaki and stab him in the face or something if I ever saw him, come back to Earth. While I don't care much for Yamazaki's style of comedy, and like him near the least of Gaki members (he's actually neck-and-neck with Endou in that regard), he's a nice guy and is one of the better family men among the Gaki members. What I say about wanting him to be run over by a truck is HYPERBOLE, people. Sheesh. It's used for greater affect. So before you go posting some sort of "OMG YOU DON'T LIKE YAMACHAN I HATE YOU /wrist /wrist /wrist" comment, please think. Judging by the amount of confusion Endou's Hollywood Audition caused, I've come to realize that people have a hard time distinguishing the real from the fake.

So, that's about all that I can think of for now. So from here on, let's just to have some fun, just with less thievery, okay?



  1. So glad to hear that you will continue on reviewing/ subbing Gaki :)

    As a fellow student I understand what it's like to have school and other things be your priority over hobbies and interests, and I think I can say for most of your fans that we appreciate you taking time to spread Gaki love (^^)

    I DO have one little request if you have the time... there's an episode where it seems that Endou has a crush on Hamada, and you can hear his thoughts the entire time they "film" a baseball challenge, wondering if you know what I'm talking about and if you could review that or sub it?

    Thanks a bunch!!

  2. Anonymous:
    Thanks for your support. As you may notice by my long time posting, that will, things are quite busy on my end. And anything that comes out on my end any time soon will probably be something quick and easy.

    As for that episode, I know which one you're talking about and I'll try yo keep it in mind. If it's not on the "Request page" I might lose track of it, so do you mind posting it over there so I don't forget? However, the plot of the episode is pretty much the opposite of what you said. The plot is that Endou thinks that Hamada is trying to hit on him. Then eventually, he gets paranoid and starts to think that everyone is after him.

  3. You gotta admit though...yamazaki getting smacked by Chono is funny as hell lol

  4. Otakumentality:

    Oh, I admit it. I don't hate Yamazaki the person, but as I've said a few times before, the only comedy coming from Yamazaki that I truly like is when he's getting hit whether from Chonou, Moriman or even any of the other Gaki members.
