Monday, January 18, 2010

[Update] Honor Among Thieves!

So, it had been some time since I'd last posted a video here, and was pretty excited to get back into the swing of things. After finishing off the release, writing up a quick review that turned out longer than I'd originally planned, and uploading/updating everything, I was feeling pretty accomplished and energized!

I didn't think it would be this quickly that something would come along and burst my bubble.

A few days ago, a friend of mine came over (read as: barged in) and inquired as to what I was doing (read as: was nosy and stood over my shoulder while I did stuff, breathing heavily) and I think I managed to turn him on to Gaki and things like that.

This morning, I went over his house (read as: barged in) and he showed me some of his favorite websites. Most of them were the usual "funny video" sites. However one of them was a video page from a website where user seems to be uploading subtitled Gaki videos. It seemed this user was trying running their own subtitling operation and putting up quite a few videos. They seemed to be enjoying themselves, and really wanted to get noticed for their work. Then, I soon realized that some of them were my subtitles word-for-word, timecode-for-timecode, taken and uploaded with their name on it without credit. (And no, I wasn't just looking at my own page. It was a completely different website, and the subtitles were hard-coded.)

While I managed to keep my mouth quite, my mind was screaming profanities. Like I said, this is essentially a matter of "honor among thieves", so take this all with a grain of salt. I essentially post copyrighted material, so to claim a "holier than thou" attitude would be arrogant, no? However, taking several of my files, and possibly others since not all of the videos uploaded were from me, and then claiming is just generally wrong.

As I may have mentioned before, I never intended or wanted to be a "subtitler" or anything of the sort. I always thought there'd be too much, umm, notoriety (can't really think of the word I'm looking for) involved. As such, I had my reservations to people copying and distributing my subtitles, even with credit given. I figured that was a given, though. I mean, we are pirates here, right?

For a while now, I've been debating whether I should keep at it or to just stick to reviewing as I originally intended. I think this experience pretty much cements my leaning decision to just stick to reviewing. I would rather my work be boring, ignored, and not appreciated than shamelessly stolen. So I'll just be sticking to general review of episodes for a while. It's a lot faster for me to do, and a lot less stressful. It also doesn't give someone something that they can just re-post and take credit for. (Well, I guess it does but the reviews are pretty boring so I don't know why anyone would want to take credit for them.)

So, I'd like to thank my readers up until now (unless you were stealing my stuff and re-posting it with your name on it, in which case you can go get run over several times by a bus), and would like to apologize for any inconvenience. Hopefully, you'll continue to visit despite this change in formatting.

Thank you.


  1. Ahhh >.<;; Now I'm going to start a cold sweat from Gaki withdrawls.

    I do understand though..and its their fault but I really liked your subs :/

  2. This is terrible news and I hope you'll change your mind.

  3. pretty sad.... Your subs are the best among internet!!!

  4. It's a shame that that person is being such a douchebag, have you confronted him about it? I'm sure all your fans who support you (include myself) will back you up on this!

  5. seriously? some douche steals yr vids and subtitles, so you roll over, give up and pretty much ruin yr own site? that just doesn't make any sense to me. people pirate dvds but the movie companies don't decide to start releasing encyclopedias. i promise no one will come here for the reviews. yr fans want gaki videos. surely you know that. please don't be a reh-tard and cut off your nose to spite your face.

  6. Otakumentality,pyrokinetik, and Anonymouses 1-4:

    Thanks for the comments. I haven't had a free minute to stop by and respond.

    Anonymous 5:
    Way to chime in a few hours too early. I have a post queued to go out at midnight, pretty much explaining that this entire post was made in haste and rage.

    But, seriously? People change their mind about things and you compare them to movie companies? Movie companies keep selling movies even when they are pirated because they still make a profit off of the ones that are actually sold and can still get by. I know you might might be new to my blog, but subtitles (at least mine) aren't sold. What does it get me? Fans? Does subtitling pay my rent? No. Does it pay my college tuition? No. Can I turn in a Gaki subtitle to earn college credit? No. Can I put "Internet Love" as a qualification on a resume? No.

    I know it sounds incredibly whiny in the context of just this one post, but I've said before that the main reason why I'd switch to review is to finish school while still making headway into my chronicling project. This was just a nail in a coffin that is about 5-1/2 feet underground.

    As for "i promise no one will come here for the reviews", they did. Google Analytics says so. I don't know if you've noticed, but in the beginning, this site was only reviews. And people still came, no matter how boring they were. (Thanks for that, guys.) So, should the day come that I'm unable to translate, and have to stay with review format and you don't feel like coming back, I'm sorry, but that's the way it's going to be. You have every right to not come back. I can't come through the computer and make you, nor would I try.
